Product details

  • Publisher Manning Publications
  • Publication date December  01,2020 
  • Language : English
  • File size26453KB
  • Print length465 pages
  • by  Chris A. Mattmann
  • format:azw3、epub、mobi 

Updated with new code, new projects, and new chapters, Machine Learning with TensorFlow, Second Edition gives readers a solid foundation in machine-learning concepts and the TensorFlow library. Written by NASA JPL Deputy CTO and Principal Data Scientist Chris Mattmann, all examples are accompanied by downloadable Jupyter Notebooks for a hands-on experience coding TensorFlow with Python. New and revised content expands coverage of core machine learning algorithms, and advancements in neural networks such as VGG-Face facial identification classifiers and deep speech classifiers.

about the technology

Supercharge your data analysis with machine learning! ML algorithms automatically improve as they process data, so results get better over time. You don’t have to be a mathematician to use ML: Tools like Google’s TensorFlow library help with complex calculations so you can focus on getting the answers you need.

about the book

Machine Learning with TensorFlow, Second Edition is a fully revised guide to building machine learning models using Python and TensorFlow. You’ll apply core ML concepts to real-world challenges, such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and image recognition. Hands-on examples illustrate neural network techniques for deep speech processing, facial identification, and auto-encoding with CIFAR-10.

what’s inside

  • Machine Learning with TensorFlow
  • Choosing the best ML approaches
  • Visualizing algorithms with TensorBoard
  • Sharing results with collaborators
  • Running models in Docker

about the reader

Requires intermediate Python skills and knowledge of general algebraic concepts like vectors and matrices. Examples use the super-stable 1.15.x branch of TensorFlow and TensorFlow 2.x.

about the author

Chris Mattmann is the Division Manager of the Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, and Innovation Organization at NASA Jet Propulsion Lab. The first edition of this book was written by Nishant Shukla with Kenneth Fricklas.

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